Create, plan, and approve social media ads in Ads planner by Kontentino

Enough of endless spreadsheets, approval rounds, and complicated Facebook Business Manager. Switch to Ads planner and make running ads simple and efficient.

Kontentino is trusted by more than 6000 agencies and brands

Designed to simplify your workflow

Who likes sharing ad copies in spreadsheets, endless feedback loops, copy-pasting ads to Meta Business Manager, or reporting performance back to clients?

Try Ads planner — an easy-to-use platform that allows you to create, collaborate on, get approved, and report the performance of your social media ad campaigns more efficiently than ever!

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Build social media ads from A to Z

Create, plan, and review your content, from single ads to whole campaigns. Find all your accounts and projects easily in one place.

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Collaborate with your team

Chat and collaborate with your teammates right next to the preview of your ad. This way, you won’t have to search for answers in the neverending email and messaging threads.

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Get ads approved with a single click

Once you’re ready to share your ad, let your client approve it in-app with a single click.

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Track and optimize campaign performance

Your clients have 24/7 access to campaign performance, and you can easily download and share the data with them.

Don't take our word for it, be the first to try Ads planner for free

Experience is worth 1000 words. Connect your social media profiles, invite your team and clients and see for yourself.