Bo Pokštefl

Bo Pokštefl

Kontentino CEO
Kontentino_Social media news February (1)

Social media news: February

March is here, the snow is slowly melting, the temperatures are rising and along with that come February social media news. FACEBOOK The rocket is flying away from Facebook Ladies...

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What about Instagram post scheduling?

Scheduling Instagram posts without using the mobile app As you may have already heard, Instagram released an API allowing some tools to publish content to Instagram without using a mobile...

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New Facebook algorithm – keep on panicking?

Unless you participated in Big Brother without internet connection in the past few months, you’ve heard about the changes Facebook has in store for us. They’re updating their news feed...

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Kontentino_Social media news October (1)

Social Media News: October

Heeey, how you been? What’s going on? That is the small-talk question you always get and the usual answer is, I’m doing great, nothing much going on in my life....

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The 10 best LinkedIn Company Pages of 2017

LinkedIn has asked its users which LinkedIn company pages they find best in 2017. Based on the responses received from LinkedIn users, a list of the top 10 LinkedIn Company...

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