Schedule all major post formats

Kontentino supports all major Linkedin post formats, including video and galleries; both on personal and company profiles. It can also restrict audiences and tag Linkedin pages.

LinkedIn management tool supporting all LI post formats

Build personal brands on Linkedin

Create and schedule personal profile posts ahead of time. If you schedule for other people, Kontentino respects their privacy as they don't need to be logged into your computer. Also, any post can be sent for approval before publishing.

Scheduling posts on LinkedIn - ultimate scheduler

Create Linkedin content together with your team

Assign tasks and give feedback to your team members when creating Linkedin content. This way, people with different roles can work together seamlessly. Kontentino supports multiple user roles such as client, copywriter, designer or media agency.

Effective collaboration with Kontentino LinkedIn management tool

Approve posts before publishing

Make sure to get content approved by management or client before publishing. They will see a live preview that shows exactly what the post will look like when published. Approving a post is as simple as a single click or comment (no login required).

linkedin post approval

Try the ultimate LinkedIn scheduler now

the tools you decide to use when creating and scheduling posts on LinkedIn can
affect the success of your marketing efforts.

Scheduling posts on LinkedIn - ultimate scheduler

All you need in one tool

When choosing marketing agency software for social media management, you need to be sure it ticks all the boxes.

Seamless LinkedIn collaboration tool


Flawless relationships with agencies working on LinkedIn

Flawless agency-client

Scheduled LinkedIn posts feedback

Feedback and approval 
via our mobile app

LinkedIn assets one place management

All assets in one place -
content handover
made easy