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Kinga Edwards
|Best practices , Instagram

What Makes Kontentino a Great Instagram Management Tool?

Every marketer needs technological solutions that support their daily activities. Running a dozen or so projects requires automation of everyday processes: one of them can (or actually should!) be planning publications on social media. 

And while choosing a social media management tool is not rocket science, choosing the right Instagram management tool definitely is. 

Here we are to prove that Kontentino might be a match made in heaven for your marketing efforts if you’re looking for a solid solution for Instagram management. 

What makes Kontentino your next Instagram management tool, then? 

#1 Direct Instagram scheduling options

Instagram post scheduling has become a natural need for social media managers with multiple Instagram accounts or hyperactive Instagram profiles.

Scheduling photos, videos, and Instagram stories saves precious time and helps you organize your day much more efficiently.

And that’s what Kontentino does.

Kontentino allows Instagram users to directly schedule single image and single video posts.

In Kontentino, you can first draft your ideas, create posts, discuss them with your colleagues, then present them to your clients via content approval features and schedule straight away once you get the green light. All in one intuitive platform.  

More info and a quick tutorial can be found here.

Manage your Instagram profiles with Kontentino. Live post preview, direct scheduling and more!


Due to Instagram’s API limitations, direct scheduling of carousels, Instagram Stories, and IGTV is not possible. Nevertheless, here at Kontentino we have found a great and fully functional workaround for this inconvenience. 

And we explain it below.  

#2 Integration with Creator Studio 

With the workaround of Creator Studio integration, you can schedule much more than just single photo or single video posts. In fact, you can schedule nearly every type of post, including IGTV and Instagram Stories. 

Thanks to the ability to export posts directly to Creator Studio, you can first work on a concept, collate ideas, and get everything approved in Kontentino, then export the content to Creator Studio to schedule them from there. 

It is simple, intuitive, and lets you have all your content and assets in one place, accessible for everyone involved in the process. 

You can also schedule carousels, IGTV, and Instagram Stories directly via our mobile app.

A tutorial on how to make the most of scheduling via Kontentino x Creator Studio integration can be found here: 

However, that isn’t the only advantage of Kontentino over the other Instagram management tools out there. In fact, we’ve barely begun to list them. 

#3 Live Instagram post & Instagram grid preview

Let’s assume that your clients want to preview your Instagram posts before they go live. They want to see the caption, check the video cover, and verify hashtags.  

How to do it before posting? You can either create a test account so you can publish assets for review, have mockups made, or describe the project in-depth via email. All the time playing ping-pong with the feedback from your clients.

Or you can use Kontentino to save a lot of time.  

Kontentino offers live previews of Instagram posts and Instagram grids so you and your clients can see how your content will display once published. Any feedback or changes to the content can be shared and directly applied in Kontentino. When compared to sending and editing mockups over and over again, this is much more convenient for everyone involved in the process.

No need to submit dozens of mockups or fix a single photo caption for hours at a time – Kontentino takes all that away, saving you time and preventing your clients from having to guess how posts and profiles will look.

More info on live post & grid previews can be found here.

#4 Access to analytics and reporting 

There are some stats and reporting features provided by Instagram, of course, but they are limited to the last 30 days and only available through its mobile app. Via Creator Studio, you can only check out the previous week’s statistics.

That is not an ideal situation when creating a report with historical data or a custom date range. Who has never been asked to provide a report about a random time range by a client out of nowhere?

Kontentino makes doing so both feasible and professional

Feasible: because Kontentino allows you to examine longer time intervals of data and place them into the context of reports that you can use to formulate social media insights for new content creation. Analyzing all of your posts published during a 6-month period, we calculate a benchmark (average) for each social media metric to determine whether the performance of your posts is improving or declining.

Professional: forget about compiling slides, charts, and screenshots into a presentation that is, at best, not scary. Impress your clients with a professional, visually appealing social media report that is clear and easy to understand, and once again proves your ability to deliver exceptional results. You can customize reports about your profile or performance of posts as you please. Generating your own takes seconds and can be done in PDF or CSV formats. 

Instagram analytics doesn’t have to be a nightmare, and reporting doesn’t have to be a monthly drama if you use a tool that allows you to dive deep into data in a better, quicker and more intuitive way.

#5 Content approval features

If you work in a social media agency, you’re likely to have a lot of clients. 

If you have a lot of clients, you’re likely to be in charge of many profiles.

If you’re in charge of many Instagram profiles, you’re likely to have to plan, schedule, and discuss or give feedback on various content ideas and posts. 

And this is where the drama starts.

If there is no workflow in place for content approval, you might discuss Instagram content ideas internally and then send them to your clients in a presentation or spreadsheet via email. Then comes the waiting. Your clients might attempt to make corrections to the plans, call you, or send long emails about areas for improvement. You implement the changes, the clients review them again, and the corrections never end.

Not to mention a situation when internal approval is necessary before the client approves content plans.

It doesn’t have to look like this. With Kontentino, all discussion, feedback, approval or rejections are displayed in one place. Kontentino allows you to create drafts with your team and have them ready for your clients to approve or reject directly in the tool. If you find a typo, you can edit it directly in Kontentino rather than on mockups or presentations. It will appear in real-time in your client’s panel too.

Forget about:

Read more about content approval features here

#6 Workflow boosters

There are also a couple of small tools included in Kontentino to boost your Instagram management workflow. 

#6.1 Task assignment 

Kontentino can also be used as a tool for Instagram task assignment directly within the platform! Rather than pinging your employees through your internal communication system or sending them an email, you can assign them a snappy task they can complete in a flash.

#6.2 Asset management

Where is that one Instagram graphic we created a week ago? That yellow one, or maybe it was green actually… Can’t remember, and I can’t find it anywhere… 

Kontentino will also serve as your asset management system for Instagram creatives. You can keep both assets you’ve already used in your Instagram posts (they will be automatically stored) and those you plan to use in the future. 

Oh, by the way, you can also access the assets of other social media profiles that are under your wings.

#6.3 Labels

Labels can be extremely useful if you want to balance the number of posts across many different communication lines on your profile. You can customize the color and label names as you wish and assign them to your Instagram posts. 

These labels will also appear directly on your content plan preview, so you can quickly decide whether to relocate certain posts or add new posts of a missing type. The proportion of posts that each label has been assigned to is also displayed as a percentage.

#6.4 Post requirement checklists

No more sticky notes, reminders, or double checking! Create a handy post requirement checklist for each Instagram profile and cross items off as you post. You will always remember to include hashtags, emojis, or discounts. 

#6.5 Presets or templates for hashtags

You can use up to 30 hashtags per post on Instagram. Make the most of them without taking up too much of your time! With Hashtags Presets, you can create sets of hashtags and add them to any Instagram post with a single click.  

#6.6 Notes

Not enough? You can add notes to each Instagram post that you create in Kontentino. In a separate field, include any notes not covered elsewhere. That could be a notification to add graphics once created, to create an event, or just a gentle reminder to smile. Why not?

#7 Mobile app

Instagram originated on a mobile platform, and is still primarily used and browsed through via mobile devices. Wouldn’t it useful to be able to edit, approve, and discuss your Instagram content plan while on the move too? Unfortunately, the native Instagram mobile app does not support this, so you may find yourself in a fix if you need to make a change to your plans.

Fortunately, you can accomplish all of this and more with the light Kontentino mobile app for iOS and Android. No matter if it is drafting an idea, reworking a content post, approving some changes, or simply awarding credits for great work, Kontentino lets you do all of that and more. Check here.

#8 Cross-platform posting

We are fully aware that we are covering Instagram management for now, however, you may be a social media manager who needs to post on various other social media platforms.

Kontentino allows you to not only draft, edit, plan, and publish Instagram content, but also to quickly duplicate your posts for the other social media profiles you manage in a single click. You can also easily switch between profiles and assets. 

Over to you

Instagram is a powerful marketing machine that has its own rules. It is simply more difficult to manage without tools to support your work.

It might not be necessary to use Kontentino or any other post scheduling tool right away, but if you want to treat Instagram seriously then it may well be worthwhile taking a closer look at them.

Bottom line: why should you use Kontentino?

Our app is intuitive to use, remembers to publish posts, facilitates harmonious profile management, plus has a beautiful and refined interface. Other than that, it lives up to its promises. We continually develop Kontentino, listen to user feedback, and add new features.

Tell us what we’re missing here or give it a go with a 14-day free trial right here.

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Kinga Edwards

Kinga Edwards

Owner & Creative Director at Brainy Bees. She believes that insights are everywhere!