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Bo Pokštefl
|Best practices

2 Facebook campaign tricks you may have not heard about

Are you managing long-term Facebook campaigns (e.g. with traffic or conversion objectives) with the same creatives that you target a lot of different groups with? Well, this post contains 2 great tricks you should immediately implement if you haven’t already.

Long story short

You’ll get the general info in this 2 concise paragraphs (if you don’t want to read my screed) but if you want, you’ll find an extended explanation below those.

1. Use one version of the ad creatives for all target groups (use existing post)

2. Automatic URL tagging (URL parameters)




Short story longer

ad 1. Use existing post = the same ID

If you want to use the same existing ad creative or ad series you already have in your existing Ad Set, it’s enough if you duplicate the Ad Set and only change the things you want to, e.g. timing, budget, targeting. However, best practice tells us to doublecheck with Facebook. Specifically with this, I experienced cases in the past when Facebook created copies of existing ads when duplicating. By that, I mean that even though they looked the same, they were completely new, interaction- and other data-free creatives – copies which had to pave their performance path on their own. And that was a shame.

To make sure you are using an already existing ad in your new Ad Set which already has interactions, just check the preview of the ad – you’ll see those interactions there as well. Another possibility is to manually insert it into the new Ad Set on the ‘Ad’ level manually through Ad ID. You’ll get it by opening the Ad in Facebook and copy the last group of numbers from the post URL and insert it into the ‘Enter Post ID’ field. In the preview, you can check if the ad already has the acquired interactions – and that’s it. It’s a bit difficult to explain, so here’s a short tutorial⬇️

ad 2. URL parameters

I’ve got a hypothesis that a lot of social media managers ignore this field or don’t know what it’s for. I won’t brag because I’ve been ignoring it for a long time.?But since I’ve found out what a useful thingy it is, my life has changed. ?

Really, with big performance campaigns where you rotate the same ad creatives with more target groups (and by that I mean dozens of Ad Sets), it’s an incredible time saver.

And there’s the advantage from point 1 – you can use one version of the ad, where you collect visible interactions from all campaigns and at the same time you’re maintaining a perfect overview of the traffic in your analytics. I’ve fallen in love with this features so much that I don’t even use a manual UTM tag builder with Facebook campaigns. I’ve got the dynamic code saved and I pop it in even with sponsored posts.

I hope many of you found this info useful and they will save you tons of time when you start using them. In case of any questions, fire them into our direction!

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Bo Pokštefl

Bo Pokštefl

Kontentino CEO